Once the toolchain is installed, here’s the basic steps to compile an example and get the code onto the launchpad. A mirror for the Stellaris example code and other pieces is available on github.

# Add the toolchain to your profile's path
# Ideally this should go into your bash profile
$ export PATH=$HOME/arm-cs-tools/bin:$PATH

# Test the compiler
$ git clone https://github.com/yuvadm/stellaris
$ cd stellaris/boards/ek-lm4f120xl/project0/
$ make clean; make

# Flash binary to the board
$ lm4flash gcc/project0.bin

# Try making a source modification
$ nano project0.c
$ make && lm4flash gcc/project0.bin


lm4tools has a bridge to enable TCP over USB, so code running on the device can be debugged using gdb from the compiled toolchain.

# build with debug symbols
$ make clean && make DEBUG=1
$ lm4flash gcc/project0.bin

# start the tcp/usb bridge (in the background)
$ lmicdi &

# start gdb and connect to device
$ arm-none-eabi-gdb gcc/project0.axf
Reading symbols from ./gcc/project0.axf...done.
(gdb) target remote :7777
Remote debugging using :7777
0x00000494 in SysCtlDelay ()
(gdb) c
[Thread <main>] #1 stopped.
0x00000662 in SysCtlDelay ()
(gdb) detach
Ending remote debugging.
(gdb) quit

# quit lmicdi to allow use of lm4flash
$ sudo killall lmicdi # or type 'fg' followed by ^C